final construction
rough draft
final draft
creating part 1
creating part 2
creating part 3
Connective Tree System

September 2019 | 1/8" Plywood | Illustrator + Lasercutting

This project is meant to be an informational toy/game that consists of interlocking wood pieces and encourages users to think about how trees function as a "family" within a forest. According to ecologist Suzanne Simard, trees are very interconnected with each other by sending each other carbon and communicating through chemical and hormonal signals. There are mother trees that nurture younger trees and one mother can be connected to hundreds of other trees. When a person plays with these pieces and builds there own connective forest I want them to consider how their tree pieces interact with each other. Who is the mother tree that nurtures the younger tree and the saplings? Which trees have bare branches to show their old age and which ones are youthful, with plentiful leaves and animal life?